Friday, August 14, 2009

republicans are obviously evil.

When did the republican party allow itself to be hijacked and lambasted into a corner? I'm just wondering.

We all hear so many negative things about republicans all the time that I think most of us start to believe them at some point. It's no wonder liberals hate us; they honestly believe that we hate gays, poor people, minorities, and so on. At least, that's what I think they think. I don't know, when I try to think like a liberal I get a headache. But do we really hate those groups of people, or do we just have a really different way of wanting to help them?

Whatever happened to the old adage "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day, but teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime"? As conservatives, we are totally all about teaching people to fish. Get out there. Be productive. Make a life for yourself. We know you can do it! But liberals are all like "Hey, well, maybe he can't learn to fish because his ancestors came from a landlocked area in Africa, and you're being insensitive to his cultural heritage by asking him to do something like that... you need to give him a lifetime supply of fish because you're a racist bastard."

I don't care if he came from a landlocked area of Africa. He can still get out there and learn to fish! That's the beauty of America... if he doesn't want to fish, he can go plow a field or something. I mean, there is an actual infinite amount of things that people can do in this country. But when you hold their hand and tell them that the big scary world is going to swallow them up, they're going to sit there terrified to get out there and do anything. Its no wonder that people have a hard time breaking out of poverty... but its possible. I've seen the middle of the country. You can make a VERY decent life for yourself working an "easy" job that requires little education and training. That exists. You might not know it, but it does.

But back to my original point: how did we become the obvious bad guys at every turn? We don't really hate anyone, we just have different ideas about how they should be helped. The central idea in that respect is that we want limited government, because we believe that big gov't is the problem. Its not that we don't want people to be helped, its that we don't want the "government" helping them. Government is one big, ugly, festering pile of inefficiency. It sucks, but its true. Virtually any gov't agency you go into, you'll find a bunch of people who work about 1/4 as hard as they should and they get paid about twice what they're worth. It's hard to fire people, so they don't have to worry about keeping their job (if you don't believe me, think about any university you've ever been to... they are a mess of bureaucracy and red tape, where its difficult if not impossible to get the help you need). In the free market, people compete for their jobs, and the best workers get rewarded. In the business world, the lazy people are not able to make a comfortable life for themselves the same way that they can if they work for the gov't.

So, take healthcare for instance. Libs want the gov't to take it over. Hey, that's a good idea, it will be free, and poor people will get the coverage they need. Umm, FALSE. Why would you take it out of the hands of the private business sector (remember, where good workers are rewarded and bad ones are not) and put it into a gov't system where its just going to become a hurdle jumping contest and money starts flying down the drain because you're paying all kinds of useless people do do the jobs that the private sector did twice as well. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

But, sadly, this is not the message that's being circulated. Republicans care about healthcare too... and we believe that the poor should be served through charity and volunteering, rather than by an inefficient, wasteful gov't system. It doesn't mean that we don't want them served... just that we think we have a better way of doing it.

1 comment:

  1. How did Republicans become the bad guys. I am a journalist. I know about mass media theory. It's called defining your opposition. Liberals control the media. They have the power to define their opposition. Propaganda (...or advertising) is to repeat a message again and again until people begin to believe it.
